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Charity Activities for Tohoku Area


No. 601 Yamashita Port Heights 73-2, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan
Phone 045-681-7181 Fax 045-681-7199

Tohoku Area Relief Activities

Humanitarian services were extended to the evacuees affected by the Great Kanto Earthquake that took place on 11th of March 2011. Mr. I. M. Chugani along with his friends from 12 different nationalities and volunteers of Universal Brotherhood of Japan decided to share the sorrow of the Japanese people in the following ways.

During March 2011 basic necessities, medicines and warm food were given to evacuees who arrived at the Kanagawa Kenritsu Budo-Kan from Fukushima. From April through July 2011, Indian curry & rice along with fresh fruits, medicines and basic necessities were served to over 5,000 evacuees by constantly traveling to the following evacuation centers in Miyagi Prefecture. Sogo Taikukan, Shimin Kaikan, Nouson Kankyo of Iwanuma City. Watari – Cho, Taga City, Natori City, Yamamoto – Cho, Minami Sanriku – Cho, Volunteer Center in Ishinomaki City, Shogai Gakushu Center in Shichigahama – Cho, Shichigahama Kokusai Mura, Volunteer Center in Higashi Matsuyama City, Nango Taikukan in Misato Machi, Shelter at Hotel Kanyo in Minami Sanriku – cho, shelter at Hotel New Tomarizakisou in Minami Sanriku – cho , shelter at Koizumi Junior High School in Kesennuma City, shelter at Sun Marine Kesennuma Kanyo Hotel.

In July & August 2011, four cars were donated to Tono City Society Welfare Council in Iwate prefecture for helping the evacuees who began living in the temporary homes which did not have an access to public transports like buses and trains.

Universal Brotherhood and their volunteers still continue their services in giving comfort to the evacuees through the local volunteer services located in Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate prefectures.

We sincerely appreciate everyone who came forward to help us in achieving these difficult tasks.

Click here to know more about Universal Brotherhood-Japan

Click here to download a brochure about Universal Brotherhood`s activities